



The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Excellency Mr. Azzam Al-Qain, pays courtesy calls to the Arab ambassadors

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Spain, Hon. Mr. Azzam bin Abdulkarim Al-Qain, has made courtesy visits to the ambassadors of Palestine, H.E. Mr. Musa Amer Udeh; of the United Arab Emirates, H.E. Mr. Majed Hassan Al-Suwaidy; of Iraq, H.E. Mr. Mustafa Kamil. Likewise, the ambassador has paid courtesy visits to the ambassadors of the Sultanate of Oman, H.E. Ms. Kifaya bint Khamis Al-Raisi; of Kuwait, H.E. Mr. Ayadah Mubrad Alsaidi; of Morocco, H.E. Mrs. Karima Benyaich; of Jordan, H.E. Ms. Arij Al Hawamdeh; of Lebanon, H.E. Ms. Hala Keyrouz.

Embajada del Reino de Arabia Saudí

Doctor Alvarez Sierra 3
28033 – Madrid
Reino de España


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